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svetova stiavnica


Svetová Štiavnica / Worldly Štiavnica

In May 2019, Spectaculum production started an international festival tradition focused on world music. In cooperation with the Town of Banská Štiavnica and Martin Noga (world music festival Hudba sveta Žilina), a new two-day event came to life. The goal of the Festival is to introduce links between the modern world and traditions, and to make a connection between original music from various countries and modern approaches to interpretation. In this spirit, the intention is to help link the old world with new ways of thinking in a historical town in the heart of Slovakia. We want to tear down the prejudices toward other cultures, nations, nationalities, races, and genders. This is all supported by the Festival’s accompanying outreach programme, which offers public or school presentations, discussions and workshops, presenting topics focussed on learning about other nations, cultures, and opinions. The primary aim is to help people get closer to each other. In addition to the main concerts, surprise performances by musicians and bands in schools, at offices, or in factories will be part of the programme. As a result, world music will find its way to people who would otherwise not listen to it.


Location: Banská Štiavnica
Month: May
Genre: world music